• Uncategorized
  • Artisan bread

    Bread is one of the basic foodstuffs. Anyone who has smelled a fresh baked bread can remember the soft, warm and comforting feelings it calls forward. No wonder fresh, hot, out of the oven bread can be eaten in a flash. Practically nothing is needed, since hot bread is practically a finished dish. Maybe a […]

  • Usual Food
  • Halva

    I really like sweets. Fudge is an awesome sweet but due to high lactose content, it’s not suitable for lactose-intolerant people. Halva is a close cousin to fudge – also sweet and delicious, with a gorgeous texture. When I searched for a nice and easy recipe I realized that there are a couple of variations. […]

  • Usual Food
  • Fruit in syrup

    There are many ways to preserve fruit. You can either freeze, dry or can it. Another option is to prepare candied fruit, or alternatively store fruit in syrup. With syrup we have to be more careful as with the candied fruit, since it contains more water and can thus be spoiled more easily. In general, […]

  • Usual Food
  • Dried fruit pudding

    While reading this excellent book – How to feed a dictator – I came upon an interesting recipe for a dried fruit pudding. It immediately caught my attention, with the sentence that it tastes like cake, wine and nuts all at the same time. And dried fruit mixed with wine always promises a delicacy. As […]

  • Usual Food
  • Sweet date spread

    I definitely adore sweet spreads. The classic Nutella, its wonderful variations or just simple honey and its even more gorgeous mixes are my daily sweets. I must confess, I usually eat them right off the spoon instead of spreading them on a slice of bread. Why dilute a wonderful spread? It is already perfect as […]