It took me some time before I realized that if cold brew coffee could taste so good, cold brewed tea would also be a great idea. And there is even more variability, since tea variations are almost infinite. Naturally, the net provides a sea of recipes and ideas. There is even a topic on Wikipedia about it.

The process is the same – add some tea leaves to cold water, wait and remove the used tea leaves. Brewing time is also much shorter compared to coffee, since tea leaves are much more delicate. Color, taste and all the good stuff comes out much faster. But as said, the variety of the tea is unbelievable and that is what makes all the charm. From black or green, to fruit and herb – the possibilities are endless. You have the cold brew tea for practically any occasion. From morning start with refreshing and energizing black tea to evening relaxing herbal mix. Always perfectly cold to refresh you through the day. The recipes below are in that order – from morning energy boost, through daily refreshments to evening relaxation.
Cold brew black or green tea
A spoonful of leaves should be enough for 500 ml of cold water. Leave the leaves in the water for about 2 hours. Remove the leaves and sweeten to taste. I recommend brown sugar for black tea and table sugar for green tea. Oolong orange is also an excellent choice.

Cold brewed fruit tea
Tea mixtures are especially suitable for cold brewing. Definitely try oolong with goji berries and peach flavour or pineapple mango mix. They can be drunk at any time during the day, since they are super refreshing and have no to minimal levels of caffeine. Oolong is mixed predominantly with fruits, therefore caffeine content is relatively low.

A spoonful of leaves should be enough for 500 ml of cold water. Leave the leaves in the water for about 2 – 4 hours. Remove the leaves and sweeten to taste.
Cold brewed herbal tea
Herbal teas are a good option for the evening relaxation. Just pick your favourite tea and add one or two spoonfuls for 500 ml of water. If there are seeds in your mixture (e.g. anise seeds) you need to crush them first. My favorite ones are mint tea, chamomile tea and anise tea.