• Unusual Food
  • Cold brew coffee

    Cold brew coffee

    Introduction to cold brew coffee Summer is coming. And with it my favourite thing: ice coffee. Granted, the name is universal, but the substance served under this name can span a whole spectrum of appearances. From double espresso poured over ice cubes or long coffee over ice cream with heaps of whipped cream to espresso […]

  • Unusual Food
  • Wild garlic pesto

    Ever heard of Wild garlic pesto? Real Italian pesto or more precisely pesto Genovese is, as the name suggests, coming from the Italian city of Genoa. It is traditionally made from basil, garlic, pine nuts, Parmesan cheese (parmigiano) and pecorino (cheese made from sheep’s milk), all blended or crushed with olive oil and finally salted […]

  • Fantasy Food
  • Lembas 2.0


    Although my first attempt at Lembas was – in my opinion – a complete success, it had one major flaw: I made too little of it and there were constant complaints from the testers, that we should test more. So I decided to make another, improved version in greater quantities. Some other minor complaints in […]

  • Unusual Food
  • Lichen bread

    Lichen bread

    How did I come on the idea of lichen bread? During my research into bark bread I have found a reference which is now sadly buried in the depths of internet. I remember it was a Youtube video describing a side story to the bark bread. In the nineteenth century (or thereabout) an important botanyst […]

  • Fantasy Food
  • Lembas

    Lembas balls

    Lembas background Lembas is probably the most known fictional food. It is a special bread imagined by JRR Tolkien and mentioned in The Lord of the Rings and Silmarillion. Lembas is made by the Elves, shaped into thin cakes, very nutritious, and stays fresh for months when kept unbroken in its original leaf-wrappings. It is […]

  • Unusual Food
  • Chocolate coffee beans

    Chocolate Coffee Beans

    When searching for interesting things in a coffee shop, I stumbled upon a chocolate covered coffee beans, advertised as »providing a quick kick«. Naturally I got interested, but upon deeper contemplation, decided to first do some research and latter to prepare chocolate coffee beans myself! Background So, according to USDA, chocolate covered coffee beans can have […]

  • Unusual Food
  • Bark Bread

    Bark bread

    When reading up on the life during World war II, I sometimes stumbled upon the mentioning of bark bread. This definitely sparked my imagination – ingenuity of people, who find a solution in a tough situation. I imagined people scraping the brown bark from the trees, kneading the bran-like brown substance into a perfect dough, […]